Patti Joyner, CRCM

Founder, Financial Solutions and frequent presenter for the American Bankers Association

Patti Joyner, CRCM, founded Financial Solutions in 1990 with a vision of providing just the right services for community banks and growing organizations to help them soar!  So many organizations simply need a helping hand and a quick answer to leverage their people and internal resources.  It has been our pleasure to work with hundreds of financial institutions to ensure they effectively administer their regulatory compliance management programs.

​Patti’s ability to transform complex requirements into simple, practical solutions is bound by a deep conviction that “excellence is not optional,” easily translating into effective answers for community bankers.  Patti firmly believes that being a community banker is all about the size of your heart, not the size of your bank’s assets!  She has a thorough understanding of the current regulatory environment and is able to integrate, streamline and automate related priorities without compromising compliance or performance.  Patti loves people and banking – put the two together and it’s inspiring!

Ms. Joyner is a frequent presenter for the American Bankers Association where she serves as a faculty member of its prestigious Stonier Graduate School of Banking, National, Intermediate and Graduate Compliance Schools and frequent presenter at ABA’s highly effective in-bank compliance schools for larger financial institutions.  Additionally, Patti has developed and delivered many ABA briefing/webcast series on mortgage requirements and many other compliance subjects.

Financial Solutions works extensively with many state and regional banking associations, and has been an invited speaker for various State and Federal regulatory and law enforcement agencies. In addition, Patti speaks at many national and state compliance seminars, schools and conferences, conducts in-bank training and is a regularly published compliance resource.  Her high energy style and slightly wicked sense of humor combine to provide entertaining, effective, successful and compliant solutions that will leave a smile in your heart.

​Patti has a B.S. degree in Accounting from Louisiana Tech University and earned her Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification in 1984.  She has over 37 years of banking experience and is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM).
